Futures Engineers

Our Team is consist of Six litte engineers, unfortunatly one of them (Yousef) has left Sweden, so now we Are five.

Safouh our Architecher engineer, and now he is also our Civil engineer. First time attend FLL in 2017 with Coder Djojo team, along with other 4 kids they got the second place in the competition in addition to winning teh marketting price, there was a nice article in the newspaper about that 9 years old team who was able to keep their touch among the elders. 

Mazen is Safouh's brother and he is our Civil Engineer, they made an indipendent team in 2018 along with their frind Bisher our mechanical engineer, Humam our electrical engineer , yousef, there was two elder members (adbukraheem and our princess Sireen) together they made Titens team and they where very close to win in 2018 but again they got the second place in bothe competition and project. 

same sinario has repeated in 2019 but this year they moved to Future's engineers who designed unique compound. this year Abdulhameed our instrument engineer joined the team as well. 

Our mission is to draw a smile on the face of other childern, and we will do that by let other kids overseas to try our fun in FLL by sending some mindestorm to them and send teach them how to use it by online cources. 

Our Vission: Dreams can be true by working hard.